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Coming Down The Mountain

Directed by Julie Anne Robinson

80 Min | English | UK | 2010 | Narrativa
brotherhood,camping,moving,young love | Característica | Open Captions
Writer: Mark Haddon
Family, Hiking and climbing, Romance

Teenager David (Nicholas Hoult – Skins, About A Boy) falls in love for the first
time and life couldn’t be better. The only fly in the ointment is his 17-year-old
brother, Ben, who has Down Syndrome. The family’s world revolves around
Ben’s needs while David’s are unwittingly neglected by their parents. When they
decide to move the family from London to «the back of beyond» for the sake of
Ben’s education, David’s world is shattered. He loses love, friends and his
school. His antipathy to Ben grows and grows to the point where he decides to
push him off a mountain and get rid of him once and for all?

Disabilities featured:

Down Syndrome

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