Behind The Scene Heroes

Behind every great festival, there are unsung heroes working tirelessly to make it all happen. As we reflect on the incredible journey we’ve been on, it’s clear that our achievements wouldn’t have been possible without the unwavering support and dedication of our internal team. You are the Behind-the-Scenes Heroes, and today, we want to take a moment to recognize and thank you for everything you do.

Previous Festival Director
Sarah Berry

ReelAbilities NYC
Ravit Turjeman, Connor Roach, Caroline Calandro

JCC Staff
Zina Segal, Jeff Dannick, Alison Pasternak, Laura Adler, Rachael Kester, Kaitlyn Petersen, Jessica Adams, Michelle Pearlstein, Art Shaw, Marian Stone, MIchael Marini, Vasundhara Dokka, Jeanne Howard, and the rest of the JCC Staff