Host a ReelAbilities Program

Host a ReelAbilities film and conversation in your community or organization!

ReelAbilities’ wide-range of international films previously featured in our festivals, are available for you to host  – either as an Affiliate Festival at your city, or as a Taste of ReelAbilities smaller-scale program, and even at your office!

With an increasing number of submissions and filmmakers sharing their artistic, cinematic and personal stories from around the world, our aim is to expand ReelAbilities to new locations and audiences.

One-time Taste of ReelAbilities Screening

We can help you identify the most suitable film and topic for your program, provide promotional materials, films with captions and audio descriptions, and connect with guest filmmakers and speakers.

Leading A ReelAbilities Film Festival

If your organization shares the ReelAbilities mission and passion of promoting an inclusive and accessible society and highlighting the lives and stories of people with disabilities on and off screen, we would love to partner with you in bringing ReelAbilities to your city!
Our Affiliate Festivals program provides a comprehensive support in implementing the festival at your location.

To learn more about these opportunities, please reachout by filling out the following form.

Submit an inquiry/request to host a screening/festival:

Host a ReelAbilities Film/Festival

Please fill in the details in the following form and we will get back to you with information about hosting a ReelAbilities screening.
  • City, State and Country
  • Select the type of program you are interested in hosting
  • A specific date, or time of year
  • Click on all accessibility aids you would be able to provide
  • Please refer to our Film Directory for full list of ReelAbilities Films:
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

For questions reach out to: [email protected]