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Terri Bryant

panelist, The Future of Inclusive and Accessible Beauty

Over the span of my career, I have had the privilege to live both my loves: as
an artist, working on-set with models and celebrities; and as an educator,
teaching makeup artistry for brands like Dior and Stila, and leading education
departments for Smashbox and Josie Maran. It’s exciting to see your art come
to life in a photo or walking down the runway, but to teach and share my love
of makeup has always been my greatest joy.
While makeup artistry always came easily for me, I could see just how
challenging it was for so many of my clients and friends. Simply learning
the steps to apply makeup doesn’t always translate into applying it with
confidence. With GUIDE Beauty, we have built in ease-of-use to the actual
tools and formulas. These products will literally GUIDE your hand to easier
and better application. And, of course, I will be there every step of the way
with tutorials and tips at guidebeauty.com and @guidebeautycosmetics.
I am often asked how I can truly relate to the average makeup user when I
have the skills of a professional makeup artist. But it was a major life change
that led to the epiphany that there must be an easier and better way for
everyone to apply makeup. A few years ago, I started to question why I too
was struggling with certain makeup techniques. My doctor provided the
answer when I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. So now I am a professional
makeup artist, beauty educator, AND someone who knows what it feels like to
struggle to get their eyeliner straight and their brows on point.
Though it comes with challenges, my diagnosis has given me an unexpectedly
beautiful gift. One that I am grateful and excited to share. I am able to
approach makeup and how we apply it from a unique lens. GUIDE Beauty
allows me to reimagine the world of makeup with formulas and tools designed
to make applying makeup feel just as fabulous as you’ll look wearing it.