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Login 2 Life

Directed by Daniel Moshel

86 Min | English | US | 2015 | Documental
internet,technology,video games,virtual reality | Característica | Open Captions | Audio Description
Producer: Thomas Strasser, Contessina Strasser, Daniel Moshel | Writer: Daniel Moshel | Cast: Kevin Alderman, Thomas Bengtsson, Philippe Fatoux, Corey Shea Franks Joey Franks, Juliane Gabriel, Alice B. Krueger, Sarah Krueger, Jim Rogers Yang Zhengkun
Friendship, Technology

Elaborate digital platforms like Second Life and World of Warcraft offer novel opportunities for friendship, sex, employment, and aesthetic experience in virtual communities populated by cartoon-like avatars. Centered around people who have found communities online, Login 2 Life profiles people deeply immersed in virtual worlds, including individuals who are homebound because of their disabilities, and attempts to understand what these individuals get from their virtual lives.

Disabilities featured:

Multiple Disabilities, Physical Disability

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