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Grades 4-6

An animated image with three people sitting across from the main character. The image is drawn from their point of view - we see their hands and a coffee cup.

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Strange (3 mins)

An animated glimpse into the life of an autistic author exploring friendship, trials, and the use of unique coping strategies.

Lesson: Students will gain a deeper understanding of what autism is and identify what “strange” habits they themselves have.

A boy dances in front of a mirror

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JMaxx and the Universal Language (13 mins)

Jarell is an autistic teenager who has uses hip-hop dance as a means to communicate his true self to the world.

Lesson: Students will gain a deeper understanding of what autism is and learn the concept of neurodiversity – brain differences are normal, not deficits.

Unspoken film still of Emma running

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Unspoken (26 mins)

Using her insightful writing as a catalyst and remedy to the fear surrounding autism, Emma Zurcher-Long presents UNSPOKEN as a collaborative self-portrait; a chronicle of a teenager who lives in the beauty beyond spoken language. Follow Emma’s journey as she enriches our understanding of what it means to be human.

Lesson: Students will explore the dangers of assumptions and stereotypes while also learning about Emma, an inspirational non-fluent speaking autistic teenager.

From My Side of the Spectrum film screenshot image

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From My Side of the Spectrum (10 mins)

A glimpse into Aiden Lee’s vibrant artistic world. Lee shares his artistic talent all while celebrating the beauty of this diverse world.

Lesson: Students will investigate the power of using visual art to convey meaning and learn about the concept of Person first language.

A man and his father stand under a neon sign

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Sock Guys (11 mins)

A peek inside a unique business owned and operated by a man with Down Syndrome and his father.

Lesson: Students will learn what a Social Enterprise is and have the opportunity to begin creating their own.

Spectrum: A Story of the Mind film still

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Spectrum: A story of the Mind (24 mins)

An animated and live action documentary that explores the inner sensory experiences of autism.

Lesson: Students will investigate ASD and better understand sensory processing and how it can affect themselves and others.

Hear This! film still

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Hear This! (15 mins)

When the soccer club won’t allow his father to coach because he is Deaf, Tristan decides to prove them wrong.

Lesson: Students learn about different forms of communication and about ASL.